Thanks for stopping by the "Boomer in the Pew" blog to register for the new ESV Study Bible. I hope you enjoyed your visit to my blog, as much as I enjoyed my stop by yours!
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The Gospel is the Good News of Christ coming to save sinners. If you do not know Jesus as your personal Savior, here is the good news you need to hear:
Creation: God, who is all-powerful, all-knowing, everywhere at the same time, loving, holy, just and worthy of all honor and glory, created the world in the beginning. He made the world without pain, sorrow, sickness, or death. And most importantly, He made man in perfect fellowship with Himself.
Fall: Man, through Adam, rejected God and broke their relationship with God through sin. Since then, every child born (with the exception of Jesus) has been born a sinner with no way of reconciling themselves to God because God is holy and He can not fellowship with anyone with even the least bit of sin. Therefore, we can do nothing ourselves to fix our postition with God. We can do nothing to reconcile our relationship to God.
Redemption: Jesus, through the mercy and sovereignty of God was sent to live the perfect life that none of us could live. He was born of the virgin Mary and was both one hundred percent God and one hundred percent man. He was tempted in every way we are, but He never sinned. He never made a mistake, thought an evil thought, or had a wrong desire. But this in itself was not enough to save us. It was necessary, but the Law demanded that sin be punished. So He was beaten, despised, mocked and crucified. He died the death that we deserved to die and took God's wrath against sin upon Himself though He was perfect. Jesus took the punishment we deserved upon Himself. The One who knew no sin became sin for us. He gave up His life that we might live. And after three days, He rose from the dead.
Reconciliation: Through Jesus' sacrifice, He made possible the reconciliation of our fellowship with God. Whoever believes in Him, repents, and turns from sin will be granted forgiveness by God for all that they have done and will do. And when those that have believed die, they will go to Heaven where once again there will be perfect fellowship with God, everlasting joy, no pain, no sorrows. Every tear will be wiped away from their eyes.
This is the Gospel, but this only scratches the surface of the Christian life. There is so much more. If you have questions about any of this or if any of it is unclear, comment me with your question and I will do my best to answer. Also, if you have questions, find a good, Bible-believing church where they will help you.
Lastly, for all believers, new and old, and those who are seeking to know the truth, read the Bible and pray that God will reveal His truth to you there.
I am a young Christian who is seeking to glorify Jesus Christ with all of my life, including this blog. With this blog, I hope to share thoughts that will be edifying, encouraging, and enlightening to other Christians seeking to serve the Lord with their lives.
Thanks for stopping by the "Boomer in the Pew" blog to register for the new ESV Study Bible. I hope you enjoyed your visit to my blog, as much as I enjoyed my stop by yours!
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Drool on the keyboard? Where did that come from? Beautiful Bible!